This is an orange. It is a bit less ripe, I think, than my key limes. And I had no idea that this was an orange tree until I was so informed. I am abounding in citrus! The discovery of this tree made me decide to photograph it for you all today . . .but it is the escapade surrounding said photo session that concerns me the most now, and that is what I want to tell you about:
Returning home this afternoon, I walked back to the tree, camera in hand. As I did so, I stopped at the sight of a mother hen and her chicks. They were absolutely adorable and I just couldn't help myself . . . I had to touch one! So I began chasing them and, sure enough, I was able to pick up one furry little yellow thing! Satisfied, I put it back down, just before the hen was able to attack with her angry clucking. But then I realized that I should have caught the little guy on camera while I was at it. So I began chasing the brood again, this time camera-ready. As I did so, one of the chicks separated from the rest. At this point I gave up on the photo and instead began trying to corral the chick to get it steered in the direction of its family; instead, it scurried further and further away. And to my horror, I realized that the hen was nowhere to be found . . . did she abandon her baby? Flustered and nearly in tears, I called over the fence to my neighbor and explained to him what I had just done. "So sir, please, do you know if she'll come back for him?"
My neighbor assured me that she would, that I needn't worry . . .
But alas--he is still frantically cheeping outside my window, and it's been over an hour now! What do I do? Should I assume nature will take its course in a kind manner, and leave him be? Or do I give in to the urge to scoop him up and attempt to care for him? Help??
OH NO! you must keep us updated about the little chick!! i have no wisdom in the realm of hen-care, so i don't know what to tell you to do...oh dear!
the update:
i decided last night to resist the urge to interfere [though i was horribly distracted from class by the pitiful cheeping!]. this morning i awoke to no more chirps, so i went outside and searched for him [dreading the prospect of finding anything!].
it seems nature has indeed run her course, though i may never know quite how . . . he is gone, and i do hope that it is due to a happy reuniting with his familial brood!
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