Sunday, April 23, 2006

baby steps

As a beginner yogi, with about 2 months now of as-close-to-daily practice as I can manage, I have so far been relying on different videos and dvd's that I found at the library. Realizing I was ready to stretch myself further, I browsed the book shelves at the main branch yesterday and came away with 2 intermediate/advanced books. Playing this afternoon, I have just made a delightful discovery: a pose I had seen and been amazed by is, in fact possible. And I am able to contort my own limbs into the joyous position of Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana. Simple pleasures? Perhaps. But oh, how gratifying simple pleasures can be!


Anonymous said...

I Googled Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana and now have to insist that you post a picture of yourself in said position. Oh my goodness! How can you even breathe??? More power to you!

anna j said...

oh dear--now that would be embarrassing . . . i think maybe that's a picture i'll have to keep safely within the confines of my comfortable little home :-)