Monday, December 06, 2004

beyond the daily

It was an intensely moving afternoon--a work day that brought with it the power of transcendence, of realization that I was in the midst of the real stuff of life, in its earthy humanity as much as in its eternal value. Something about the resignation speech and the feeling in the air made for a certainty that something of significance was happening at that moment. It wasn't as much what was said, as the words were vague--genuinely Spirit-filled, but not earth-shaking in any sort of enlightenment. Rather, I suspect what I was touched by was the power of a great number of hearts unified in their combination of love and confusion. None of us--save a couple of particularly in-the-know folks perhaps--really understood why he was resigning. What we all seemed to agree on, those in tears and those of us dry-eyed alike--even those like me who knew the man himself little but by brief interactions and hearings-about, was that this was a man after God's own heart, who had truly lived in service to his Maker, and who had done great things as a result. I suspect he was often unaware, and mainly just living each moment as it came, dealing with people and situations as they presented themselves to him. But because he has an evidently passionate heart for the Father, he has been blessed with a life that hints to others of Christ's love . . . At least that is what I think, as best as I can tell at the moment, is what I was experiencing today . . . perhaps further thought, or the completion of this exam-in-progress, will give me better clarity about it all. Then again, maybe not--it could be that this sense of the Greatness beyond me is all I am meant to know for certain, and, come to think of it, that is enough . . .

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